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Secret Falls
Jungle river Safari
Wailua Falls Hiking Tour
Kayak Rental
Wilderness Weddings
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Tour Sacred Kauai

Wailua Kayak Adventures provides: Drinks and Snacks are provided at Wailua Falls Base. (808) 822-5795 or 639-6332


The Wailua Falls Hiking Tour is a true jungle experience. We hike down a switch-back trail that descends 200 ft. into a lush forest valley filled with magnificient trees which are part of the original rainforest. The trail then winds along the sparkling waters of the upper Wailua River. The Wailua Falls Hiking Tour Adventure costs $50.00 per person. The Tour begins at 8 am or at 1:30 pm.

A mile up river we arrive at the bottom of Wailua Falls. A triple waterfall as it cascades 90 ft. into an olympic size pool at the base.